Appendix A Connector Wiring RIC-155 Installation and Operation Manual
A-2 Control Connector
Table A-2. ALARM Connector Pinout
Pin Alarm Relay Function
1 Minor Minor NO (minor alarm is OFF)
2 Minor Minor NC (minor alarm is ON)
6 Minor Minor COM
4 Major Major NO (major alarm is OFF)
5 Major Major NC (major alarm is ON)
9 Major Major COM
7 Input alarm Exernal alarm (input)
8 Input alarm External alarm (input)
A.3 Control Connector
The terminal interface of RIC-155 terminates in a 9-pin female connector,
designated CONTROL. Table A-3 lists the pinout of the CONTROL connector.
Table A-3. CONTROL Connector Pinout
Pin Pin Name Direction Description
3 TXD Output TXD data to terminal
4 DTR Output DTR data terminal ready
2 RXD Input RXD data from terminal
5 GND Output Ground
1 DCD Input DCD input control from terminal
7 RTS Output RTS output command to terminal
8 CTS Input CTS input command from terminal
6 DSR Input Not used
9 RI Input Not used