
10. The server VGA resolution does not match the resolution of monitor ?
The KVM supports DDC function which will dynamically detect and the DDC data.
The problem may come from the power on sequence.
- For KVM switch
The recommended power on sequence is - monitor, KVM switch and then servers.
- For remote console box
It supports DDC function but does not support hot-plug, the recommend power on se
quence is – monitor, remote console box and then servers.
Two console KVM
What is the resolution support on remote console ?
The remote console can support up to 1,000 feet at 1024 x 768, and up to 500 feet at 1600 x 1200.
Why am I getting ghosting images or shadowing on remote console ?
Press “Scroll lock + Scroll lock + A” on the keyboard connected to remote console box to force auto-
adjusting the video signal to optimize.