3 – FVIC Configuration and Monitoring Features
Fibre Channel Configuration
3-14 D000003-006 Rev. A
NOTE:Configured devices can only be deleted if they are not assigned to a SRP
Map. Additionally, deleting a device only removes it from the Configured Devices
table. It may still appear in the Discovered Devices table.
SRP Initiator Discovery and Configuration
The SRP Initiator Configuration screen allows the user to discover and configure
IB-enabled hosts on the fabric.
There are three methods for configuring SRP Initiators. The user must decide which
method best meets the needs of the network environment:
Discover the SRP Initiators
This method utilizes the Start button on the SRP Initiator Configuration screen
to find and configure each individual SRP Initiator.
This method reports on the SRP Initiators that have attempted, but have been
unsuccessful in establishing an SRP connection to the FVIC since the last reboot.
The advantage of this method is that each individual SRP initiator has a name,
which makes debugging connection problems simpler. The disadvantage is that
each SRP Initiator must be manually configured.
Manually Configure each SRP Initiator Port
In this method use the Click to Add Host button to individually add SRP Initiators.
The advantages of this method are each individual SRP initiator has a name,
which may be debugging connection problems easier, and the FVIC can be
configured even if the SRP hosts are not currently connected to the IB fabric.
The disadvantages are (1) the information for each SRP Initiator must be
manually entered, and (2) each SRP Initiator must be configured individually.
Use Wildcarding
In this method the individual SRP Initiator Ports (i.e. the HCA Port GUIDs) are
not used when matching a request from a host to an entry in the SRP Initiators
table. Instead, only the SRP Initiator Extension from the host is matched against
the SRP Extension ID on the FVIC SRP Initiators screen.
Therefore, only a single SRP Initiator needs to be defined on the FVIC. This
Initiator can be used by many hosts. The FVIC can be configured even when
the SRP hosts are not currently connected to the IB fabric. The disadvantage is
that debugging problems with individual hosts failing to connect will be difficult
to perform from the FVIC. For example, if the user expects 24 hosts are
connected to the FVIC, but only 23 are, it will be difficult to tell which host has
not connected using only the FVIC Chassis Viewer screens. This type of
debugging needs to be done using the host-based tools contained in the Fast
Fabric toolset.