8–Linux Driver Installation and Configuration
Linux Driver Checklist
8-2 NE0154601-00 C
Locate the Driver File
The QLogic adapter driver is located at:
/lib/modules/[kernel version]/update/drivers/net
Red Hat 5: /lib/modules/[kernel version]/update
Red Hat 4:
/lib/modules/[kernel version]/kernel/drivers/net
Verify the Firmware Version
Type the following commands to view the firmware version, where n is the port
% ethtool -i eth[n]
% dmesg | grep nx
Verify the Driver Version and Module Information
Type the following commands to view the driver version and module information,
where n is the port number:
% modinfo nx_nic
% ethtool -i eth[n]
Locate the QLogic Tools
Type the following command to go to the directory where the tools are located:
% cd /opt/netxen
These tools include:
[card type]-romimage
Build the Linux Driver Source Code
Linux kernel source/headers are required to compile the drivers provided in
source code format. Some Linux operating system (OS) distributions may not
install the kernel source/headers by default. The headers can be added from the
Linux OS Distribution disk using the RPM package manager.
Enable the Inbox Kernel GPL and Commercial Drivers
The inbox kernel GPL and commercial drivers are included in the Linux kernels
available from kernel.org.