Command Line Interface (CLI) AP-700 User Guide
Set Basic Configuration Parameters using CLI Commands
Enable and Configure TX Power Control for the Wireless Interface(s)
The TX Power Control feature lets the user configure the transmit power level of the card in the AP at one of four levels:
• 100% of the maximum transmit power level of the card
• 12.5%
Perform the following commands to enable TX Power Control and set the transmit power level:
[Device-Name]>set txpowercontrol enable
[Device-Name]>set wif <interface number> currenttxpowerlevel <value>
Allowed values are: 1 (100%), 2 (50%), 3 (25%), 4 (12.5%)
Configure SSIDs (Network Names), VLANs, and Profiles
Perform the following command to configure SSIDs and VLANS, and to assign Security and RADIUS Profiles.
[Device-Name]>set wifssidtbl <Wireless Interface Index.SSID Index> ssid <Network Name>
vlanid <-1 to 1094> ssidauth <enable/disable> acctstatus <enable/disable> secprofile
<Security Profile Nmuber> radmacprofile <MAC Authentication Profile Name> radeapprofile
<EAP Authentication Profile Name> radacctprofile <Accounting Profile Name>
radmacauthstatus <enable/disable> aclstatus <enable/disable>
China CN Kuwait KW Spain ES
Colombia CO Latvia LV Sweden SE
Costa Rica CR Lebanon LB Switzerland CH
Croatia HR Liechtenstein LI Syria SY
Cyprus CY Lithuania LT Taiwan TW
Czech Republic CZ Luxembourg LU Thailand TH
Denmark DK Macau MO Turkey TR
Dominican Republic DO Macedonia MK Ukraine UA
Ecuador EC Malaysia MY United Arab Emirates AE
Egypt EG Malta MT United Kingdom GB
El Salvador SV Mexico MX United Kingdom 5.8ghz G1
Estonia EE Monaco MC United States US
Finland FI Morocco MA United States World UW
France FR Netherlands NL United States Dfs U1
Georgia GE New Zealand NZ Uruguay UY
Germany DE Nicaragua NI Venezuela VE
Greece GR Norway NO Vietnam VN
Guam GU Oman OM
Guatemala GT Pakistan PK
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