Possible Values: 0* … 226 Lines
This item sets the bottom margin in lines. Setting a bottom margin will
reduce the size of the printable area of the page by the number of lines set.
When the bottom margin is reached, the remainder of the page will be
skipped and printing will resume at the beginning of the next page (or top
margin if one is set). Adding a bottom margin may cause some data to be
printed on the wrong page if the program sending the data does not require
the margin.
Characters Per Inch
Possible Values: 10*, 12, 13.3, 15, 16.74, 17.14, 20
This item sets the default character pitch in Characters Per Inch (CPI).
(Note that OCR-A and OCR-B characters are only valid at 10 CPI and
will always print at 10 CPI regardless of this setting.)
Left Margin
Left Margin
Column 0
Possible Values: Column 0* … 166
This item sets the left margin in columns (characters) relative to the left edge
of the paper. The column width is based upon the current character pitch
(CPI). The left margin must be less than the right margin. The left margin
may be used to cause printing to begin farther to the right on a form. In
many cases using ALIGN/ITEM may be preferable to using a left margin (see
“Aligning Print” on page 29).
Right Margin
Right Margin
Possible Values: Column 4 … 170*