
Printek Emulation
Printer Controls
Bell BEL
Causes the printer's bell to sound.
Control code: BEL
Hexadecimal: 07
Deletes all data in the printer’s input buffer and resets the printer to power up default values. Refer to “Printer
Reset Conditions
” on page 49 for more information.
Control Code: CAN
Hexadecimal: 18
Reset ESC c
Deletes all data in the printer’s input buffer and resets the printer to power up default values. Refer to “Printer
Reset Conditions
” on page 49 for more information.
Escape Sequence: ESC c
Hexadecimal: 1B 63
Print Contrast ESC P n
Sets the contrast, or relative “darkness”, of the characters or graphic images to be printed where 0 n 9
(hexadecimal 30-39). A value of zero provides the greatest contrast and also the slowest print speed. Likewise,
a value of nine provides the lowest contrast, but the fastest print speed. The default value is “5”.
Since contrast is greatly affected by the quality of thermal paper being used, this command allows varying
grades of paper to be printed on successfully.
In association with this setting, the printer automatically adjusts the contrast while printing in order to achieve
consistent output based on the current battery condition and print head temperature.
Example: The following escape sequence with set the printer to a Print Contrast setting of “4”.
Escape Sequence: ESC P 4
Hexadecimal: 1B 50 34