Creating Disc on a Mac 33
Note: AIFF Files will need to be in a specific format in order for Discribe to
accept them. Please be sure that your hard disk has enough space for
the converted files and that the files adhere to the following
• Stereo
• 16 Bit
• 4431 KHz
Tip: SDII, MP3 and WAV files will be converted into this format, files
added from a mounted audio CD do not have to be converted, but can
be converted by holding down the Command key when dragging
tracks from a mounted audio CD to the interface. Discribe will
prompt you to find out where you would like the extracted tracks
4. Click the Audio… button to view the Audio Picker pane.
This will show all the tracks that have been added to your
current audio project. You can add tracks by clicking the
Add... button and navigating to the desired track, or you
can remove tracks by selecting them in the Audio Picker
window and clicking the Remove button. Sequence your
tracks by clicking and dragging the audio track to the
desired location within the Audio Picker pane. You can
select multiple files in the same way that the Finder's 'List'
view works (click and drag or by Shift clicking on multiple
files). Discribe allows you to customize the pre-gap, or, the
space at the beginning of a track, from 0 to 9 seconds. To
set the pre-gap on a track or tracks, select the desired
track(s) in the Discribe Audio Picker window and click the
pre-gap pop-up menu and select the desired length of
Note: The first audio track must have a pre-gap of two and is not user
definable. By default, Discribe will set the pre-gaps of tracks 2 and
higher to 2 seconds.
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