Maxima www.pridemobility.com
Model Numbers
3-wheel: SC900
4-wheel: SC940
Available Colors
Painted: Candy Apple Red, Forest Green, Viper Blue, Black Onyx
Overall Length
3-wheel: 47 in.
4-wheel: 47.5 in.
Overall Width
26 in.
Total Weight Without Batteries
3-wheel: 173.5 lbs.
4-wheel: 189 lbs.
Heaviest Piece When Disassembled
Rear frame: 70 lbs.
Turning Radius
3-wheel: 52 in.
4-wheel: 58 in.
Speed (maximum)
Variable up to 5.25 mph
Range Per Charge* (With 32 AH batteries) Up to 20 miles, (With 55 AH batteries) Up to 30 miles
Ground Clearance
4.5 in.
Weight Capacity
450 lbs.
Standard Seating
Type: DX contour medium back
Dimensions: 22 in. width x 18 in. depth (usable) x 18.5 in. height (usable)
Material: Gray, Beige, or Black vinyl or Gray fabric
Standard Seat Weight
45 lbs.
Drive System
Rear-wheel drive, sealed transaxle with a 24-volt DC motor
Dual Braking System
Electronic, regenerative, and electromechanical
Type: solid; front: 3 in. x 10 in., rear: 4 in. x 10 in.
Battery Requirements
Type: Two 12-volt deep cycle (AGM or Gel-Cell)
Size: (U-1) 32 AH, (NF-22) 55 AH
Battery Weight
Approximately: (32 AH) 25 lbs. each, (55AH) 37 lbs. each
Battery Charger
Off-board charger
*Varies with user weight, terrain type, battery charge, battery condition, and tire condition.