20 www.pridemobility.com Jazzy 1143/RevK/Feb03
Manual Freewheel Levers
For convenience, your Jazzy 1143 is equipped with two manual freewheel levers. See figures 2 and 3. These levers
allow you to disengage the drive motors and maneuver the chair manually.
WARNING! Do not use your Jazzy while the drive motors are disengaged unless you are in the
presence of an attendant! Do not disengage the drive motors when your Jazzy is on an incline. The
chair could roll down on its own, causing injury!
CAUTION! It is important to remember that when your Jazzy is in freewheel mode, the braking
system is disengaged.
To engage or disengage the drive motors:
1. Locate the two (2) metal levers protruding from the body shroud.
2. Turn them rearward to engage the drive motors. See figure 5.
3. Turn them inward to disengage the drive motors. See figure 6.
If the lever is difficult to move in either direction, slightly rock the Jazzy back and forth. The lever should then move
to the desired position.
REMEMBER: When the Jazzy is in the freewheel mode, the braking system is disengaged.
Figure 5. Drive Mode (Engaged) Figure 6. Freewheel Mode (Disengaged)