Basic Operation Instructions 5
Cantilever Lift System www.quantumrehab.com RevA/Nov03
We want to hear your questions, comments, and suggestions about this manual.
We would also like to hear about the safety and reliability of your new lift system,
and about the service you received from your Quantum Rehab Specialist.
Please notify us of any change of address, so we can keep you apprised of important
information about safety, new products, and new options that can increase your
ability to use and enjoy your Pride product. Please feel free to contact us at the
address below:
Pride Mobility Products Corporation
Attn: Customer Care Department
182 Susquehanna Avenue
Exeter, PA 18643-2694
800-800-8586 (Quantum - US)
888-570-1113 (Quantum - CAN)
NOTE: If you ever lose or misplace your product registration card or
your copy of this manual, contact us and we will be glad to send you a
new one immediately.
As an owner of a Pride product, you are encouraged to enroll in the Pride Owners
Club. Complete and return your enclosed product registration card or visit Pride's
web site at www.pridemobility.com.
From our home page, select "Owners Club" to enter a page dedicated to current
and potential Pride product owners. You will gain access to interviews, stories,
recreation ideas, daily living tips, product and funding information, and interactive
message boards. These message boards invite you to communicate with other
Pride customers as well as Pride representatives who are available to assist you
with any questions or concerns you may have.