9.3 Tool support
A 14” tool support is provided with your lathe. It is
designed to allow adjustment for height, position on
the bed, and angle to the work.
Loosen locking handle on tool support base (C,
Figure 25) to slide support base forward or back,
and to angle it to the bed. Tighten locking handle
firmly before operating lathe.
Loosen handle (D, Figure 25) to raise or lower tool
support and angle it to the work. Tighten handle
before operating lathe. If tool rest post begins to
slip, tighten screw (E, Figure 25).
Figure 25
9.4 Locking handles
Locking handles, such as D, Figure 25, are
adjustable. Simply lift out on handle, rotate it on the
pin, then release it, making sure it seats itself on
the pin.
9.5 Live center and cone
The live center cone, shown in Figure 26, screws
clockwise onto the threads of the live center body.
Figure 26
To remove cone from live center, first insert live
center pin through hole in live center body as
shown in Figure 26. If pin will not insert at first,
rotate cone until pin can be inserted. The cone can
now be removed by holding body stationary while
unscrewing cone.
9.6 Indexer
The indexer is used to create evenly spaced
features in a workpiece, while keeping the lathe
spindle locked; for example, when cutting flutes on
a spindle blank with a router, while the spindle
blank is secured between lathe centers.
Index positions are inscribed on the spindle,
matching hole locations on the handwheel.
To use indexer (Figure 27):
1. Loosen handle (A) and position arm until
indexer pin aligns with the desired array of
Figure 27
2. Rotate spindle to position by observing scale
on spindle.
3. Push indexer knob until pin enters handwheel
hole. Rotate indexer knob to engage threads
and secure handwheel.
NOTE: Tighten indexer knob only enough until
pin fully engages hole and spindle will not turn.
Do not overtighten, as this could cause slight
deflection in the spindle.
4. Perform the operation upon the workpiece.
5. Unscrew knurled knob until indexing pin
releases; turn handwheel to next indexing
position, and re-engage indexing pin.
IMPORTANT: Release index pin before turning on
The indexer assembly can be removed from the
lathe by loosening and removing locking handle (A,
Figure 27).