Administrator’s Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP
A - 72
Scheduled Logging Parameters <sched/>
The phone can be configured to schedule certain advanced logging tasks on a
periodic basis. These attributes should be set in consultation with Polycom
Technical Support. Each scheduled log task is controlled by a unique attribute
set starting with log.sched.x where x identifies the task.
log.render.file.size positive
integer, 1 to
16 Maximum local application log file
size in Kbytes. When this size is
exceeded, the file is uploaded to
the boot server and the local copy
is erased.
log.render.file.upload.period positive
172800 Time in seconds between log file
uploads to the boot server.
Note: The log file will not be
uploaded if no new events have
been logged since the last upload.
log.render.file.upload.append 0, 1 1 If set to 1, use append mode when
uploading log files to server.
Note: HTTP and TFTP don’t
support append mode unless the
server is set up for this.
log.render.file.upload.append.sizeLimit positive
512 Maximum log file size on boot
server in Kbytes.
log.render.file.upload.append.limitMode delete, stop delete Behavior when server log file has
reached its limit.
delete=delete file and start over
stop=stop appending to file
Values Default Interpretation
log.sched.x.name alphanumeric
Name of an internal system command to be periodically executed.
To be supplied by Polycom.
log.sched.x.level 0-5 Event class to assign to the log events generated by this command.
This needs to be the same or higher than log.level.change.slog for
these events to appear in the log.
log.sched.x.period positive
Seconds between each command execution. 0=run once