
NetEngine IAD User Guide
Router Configuration 107
8. Configuration is complete. The IAD displays the following prompt:
Save new IP Information?
Type Y to confirm your changes, or press Escape to cancel.
9. If you confirm, the IAD saves the settings.
10. If bridging is enabled and an IP address is assigned on the WAN
interface, the IAD displays the IP Over Bridge prompt:
Both bridging and IP address are specified for this
Currently IP over bridge is enabled.
Enter E to Enable, D to Disable:
11. Type E to enable IP Over Bridge on the WAN port, or D to disable it.
12. The IAD saves the changes and displays the Router Configuration
13. Repeat these steps for each remaining port to configure.
14. Continue with other configuration tasks, or press Escape to return to
the Main menu.
15. Reset the IAD (page 15) when you finish router configuration.