Administrator’s Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP
A - 98
Browser Limits <limits/>
These settings limit the size of object which the Microbrowser will display by
limiting the amount of memory available for the Microbrowser.
Applications <apps/>
This attribute’s settings control the telephone notification events, state polling
events, and the push server controls.
This configuration attribute is defined as follows:
Attribute Permitted Values Default Interpretation
mb.limits.nodes positive integer 256 Limits the number of tags that the XML parser
will handle. This limits the amount of memory
used by complicated pages. A maximum total of
500 (256 each) is recommended. This value is
used as referent values for 16MB of SDRAM.
Note: Increasing this value may have a
detrimental effect on performance of the phone.
mb.limits.cache positive integer 200 Limits the total size of objects downloaded for
each page (both XHTML and images). Once this
limit is reached, no more images are
downloaded until the next page is requested.
Units = kBytes. This value is used as referent
values for 16MB of SDRAM.
Note: Increasing this value may have a
detrimental effect on performance of the phone.
Attribute Permitted Values Default Interpretation
apps.telNotification.URL URL Null The URL to which the phone sends notifications
of specified events. The protocol used can be
either HTTP or HTTPS.
0 or 1 0 If set to 0, incoming call notification is disabled.
If set to 1, incoming call notification is enabled.
0 or 1 0 If set to 0, outgoing call notification is disabled.
If set to 1, outgoing call notification is enabled.
0 or 1 0 If set to 0, offhook notification is disabled.
If set to 1, offhook notification is enabled
0 or 1 0 If set to 0, onhook notification is disabled.
If set to 1, onhook notification is enabled