
Remote Management
ViewStation User’s Guide
Remotely Placing and Participating in Video Calls
When you click on the Place A Call icon from the Manage System web page,
the Dial a Video Call web page will appear. It is a fully integrated call center.
You can type a video number into the Number A or Number B field to place a
call manually or you can select a number from the onscreen address book that
resides on the ViewStation you are connecting to. If your ViewStation has
multi-point capabilities, you will see two address books.
If the ViewStation is in a call, you will see streaming video snapshots (one
frame a second) of sites in the call on your PC screen. This includes the site of
the ViewStation at the IP address you connected to and the far-site. See the
Placing and Answering Calls
section of this manual for more information
about video calls.