The Polaroid Land SX-70 is a folding, pocket
sized, single-lens reex camera which takes
and immediately delivers full-color pictures
approximately 31/4 inches square (see gures
1-1, 1-2 and 1-3). Operation is automatic; the
user merely inserts the lm, focuses and shoots.
power is provided by a six-volt battery inside the
lm pack; therefore, the batteries are always
fresh as the lm.
The four element lens has a maximum aperture
of f/8, and a focusing rang from 10,4 inches to
innity. The shutter is automatically controlled
by a photocell and electronic timing. Electrical to
mechanical energy conversion is accomplished
by two solenoids and a motor. There are no
separate diaphragm adjustement. The shutter
opening and closing time is controlled by the
exposure measuring system.
Figure 1-1 SX-70 Camera folded
Figure 1-2 Holding and opening the SX-70