
Cleaning and Storage
See page 117 for the part numbers of Polaris-recommended products.
Storage Tips
Fog the Engine
1. Remove the spark plug a nd add 2-3 t able spoons of P remium 4
Syn the tic 0W40 engine oil. T o access the plug hole, use a section of
clear 1/4” hose a nd a small plastic squeeze b ottle filled with the
pre- mea sure d amount of oil. NOTE: Do this ca re fully! If you miss
the plug hole, oil w ill drain from the spark plug cavity into the hole
at the f r ont of the c ylinde r head, and appe ar to be a n oil l ea k.
2. Reinstall the spa r k plug. Torque to 14 ft. lbs. (19 Nm).
3. Apply dielectric gre a se to the inside of the s par k plug ca p and install
the cap onto t he plug.
4. Tu rn the engine over severa l times. Oil will be f or ce d in a n d around
the piston r ings and ring lands, c oa ting the cylinde r with a protective
film of fr esh oil.
Alternative to Using Fogging Oil
If you choose not to use Polaris Fogging Oil, perform the following
1. Support the front end of the machine so the engine is level or tilted
slightly rearward.
2. Remove the spark plug. R otate the piston to BDC and pour
approximately two ounces of Polaris-recommended oil into the
3. Reinstall the spa r k plug. Torque to 14 ft. lbs. (19 Nm).
4. Apply dielectric gre a se to t he inside of the spa r k plug c a p and install
the cap onto t he plug.
5. Turn the engine over several times to ensure coverage of piston
rings, cylinder walls and crankshaft bearings.
6. Treat the fuel system with Polaris Carbon Clean.
7. If Polaris fuel system additive is not used, fuel tank, fuel lines, and
carburetor should be completely drained of gasoline. To eliminate
any fuel remaining in the carburetor, run the engine until it stops.
Inspect and Lubricate
Inspect all cables and lubricate. Follow lubrication guidelines in the
Maintenance Section of the service or owner’s manual to completely
grease and lubricate the entire vehicle with Polaris Premium All
Seaso n Grease.