Driving Safely
Driving in Reverse
Fol low these precaut ions when operating in reverse:
1. Always avoid backing
2. Back slowly.
3. When in reverse,
apply the brakes
lightly for stopping.
4. Avoid t urning at sharp
angles in reverse.
5. Never open the throttle
suddenly while backing.
NOTE: Most Polaris ATVs are equipped with a reverse speed limiter.
The override button should be used with caution as rearward vehicle
speed is greatly increased. Do not operate at wide open throttle. Open
the throttle just enough to maintain a desired speed.
Failure to use caution when operating in rev erse can result i n
serious injur y or death. Before shifting into revers e, always check
for obstacles or people behind the vehic le. When it’s safe to
proceed, back slowly.
Do not use the override switch unless additional power is required
for vehic le movement. Use with caut ion.
Avoid backing on inclines, and avoid turning at shar p angles.
Excess ive throttle operation while in the speed limit mode may
cause fuel to build in the exhaust, resulting in engine popping
and/or engine damage.