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Start with the display showing Interval.
Continue recalling more detailed information on your Interval phase.
1. Press OK to see details of each interval and recovery.
2. Scroll up or down between intervals and recoveries.
3. To return to the interval phase display press the stop button.
Interval phase
Interval phase duration.
Average heart rate of intervals and recoveries.
Best Lap
Shortest lap time.
The number of the best lap.
The best lap information is displayed if you have stored at least
3 laps. The best lap can not be the last lap.
Lap information (LAPS)
Start with the display showing LAPS and number of the recorded laps.
1. Press OK to start recalling the lap information.
2. Scroll up or down to see the following information:
Heart-rate-based recovery
Time it took reach the preset heart rate reading.
Drop in your heart rate.
Distance-based recovery
Recovery distance
Drop in your heart rate.
Cool-down phase
Duration of the cool-down.
The heart rate at the end of the cool-down,
average and
maximum heart rates of the cool-down phase.
Recovery information
Interval information
Interval number Split time of the interval
Interval duration.
Speed at the end of an
interval (If bike 1/2 was on).
The heart rate at the
end of the interval,
average and
heart rates of the
selected interval.
Time-based recovery
Recovery duration.
Drop in your heart rate.
Manual S510 GBR C.pm6 8.3.2001, 12:4466-67