Calories (displayed as Cal/kcal,
depending on your units settings)
The calories you have burned
until now.
HR zones (displayed if Program
exercise is selected)
The time spent in your present
intensity zone.
The intensity zone symbol shows
you the zone you are at the
The target intensity zone bar is
highlighted, if you are within
your target heart rate zone.
Exercise Targets (not displayed
if Manual exercise is selected)
Exercise name
Target exercise duration
Target calories (Cal/kcal)
In Zone (displayed if HR limits
is on)
symbol is displayed if your
OwnZone determination succeeds
Exercise duration between target
heart rate limits
Target heart rate limits as bpm
or as %HR
, depending on your
Polar calorie calculation shows your energy expenditure while exercising.
You can use the feature to set daily and weekly exercise goals in
terms of calories (Cal/kcal) regardless of the Program. Monitor your
energy expenditure by following the calories of one exercise session,
accumulated weekly calories, or your total calories for as many exercise
sessions as you choose.
The symbol moves left or right according to your heart
rate. If the
symbol is not visible, it means your heart
rate is either below
or above your target heart rate
limits. The alarm sounds, provided the zone alarm
switched on.
Note: Your target heart rate zone is automatically defined according
to your Program exercise targets. When your Program exercise target
time in the zone is fulfilled, the target heart rate limits are changed.
For example, if your exercise includes both Moderate and Hard
intensity zones, your lower limit is at first defined according to your
Moderate zone and then changed to Hard zone after the Moderate
zone is fulfilled. When your target exercise time in all the zones is
fulfilled, the limits are changed to Light limits.