Navigate through the options with UP or DOWN
• Free: Free exercise with no settings.
• Basic: Training with moderate intensity. Duration around 45 min.
• OwnZone: OwnZone-based exercise with moderate intensity. The cycling computer is able to
automatically determine your individual aerobic (cardiovascular) heart rate zone during warm-up.
This is called OwnZone. Suggested duration 45 minutes. For further information, see ???. For
additional background information, see OwnZone Training
• Interval: Interval training starts with a 15-minute warm-up, followed by a 5 km interval (work phase)
and a 5-minute recovery period, repeated 3 times. The session ends with a 15-minute cool-down.
• Add new: Create and save your own exercise. Store a total of 10 exercises + 1 Free exercise in your
cycling computer.
Select the desired exercise (Free, Basic, OwnZone, Interval or Add new), and press OK, the following
options are displayed:
• Select the exercise as a default exercise.
The next time you train, your cycling computer will offer this exercise as default.
• View the exercise settings. Scroll UP or DOWN to view:
1. Basic exercise with 1-3 exercise zones: target heart rate or cadence* limits for each zone,
timer/distance for the zone, or
2. Exercise with phases: name, description, target exercise time. (Press and hold LIGHT to view the
exercise phases and chosen sport profile.)
• Edit Basic or OwnZone exercise to fit your needs. You can also edit exercise created with the cycling
computer. For further information, see Create New Exercises With Your Cycling Computer. If you
created exercise with the Polar ProTrainer 5 software that includes phases, you cannot edit them
with the cycling computer.
• Rename Basic, Interval or other exercise created with the cycling computer.
• Default Return to default settings of Basic, Interval or OwnZone exercise.
• Delete exercise you created using the cycling computer or the Polar ProTrainer 5 software.
* Optional sensor required.
Create New Exercises With Your Cycling Computer
Create a New Exercise with Zones
Create your own exercise with the cycling computer.
Select Settings > Exercise > Add new
1. Set the number of zones for the exercise (0-3) and press OK. Also see Creating a New Exercise
Without Zones.
2. Choose zone type:
Polar CS400 User Manual 8