
15 AIT Tape Library User Manual
Page 62
6. Press the down arrow key to display the Restart Option screen. The screen shows whether
the Restart option is on (1) or off (0).
7. Press [ENTER] again to display the screen for changing the Restart option.
8. Use the up or down arrow key to change the setting, then press [ENTER]. The Restart Option
screen shows the new setting.
9. Press the down arrow key to display the Next Cartridge Option screen.
10. Press [ENTER] to set the next cartridge to 1 or [ESCAPE] to cancel.
11. Press [ESCAPE] to return to the Sequential Mode screen.
Avoiding Interruptions
Although the library has effective methods for resuming operation, it is best to avoid interruptions when the
library is operating sequentially. In particular:
Do not reset or power cycle the library unless absolutely necessary. Reset the library
only to clear certain error conditions and power off the library only to perform maintenance
or to store it. Avoid resetting or power cycling the library when a cartridge is in the tape
drive or the robot.
Do not open the door unless absolutely necessary. During operation, open the door only
to replace the magazine after the library has processed all the cartridges. Never force the
door. The library does not release the door until it completes a cartridge move or load
already in progress. Certain applications may also prevent the door from being opened.
Do not remove a cartridge from the tape drive or insert a cartridge into the tape drive.
If you want to remove a cartridge, wait until the robot has placed it in the magazine before
removing it. If you want to add a cartridge, add it directly to the magazine.
R e s t a r t O p t i o n :
R e s t a r t
O p t i o
n ? 1
N e x t C a r t r i d g e :