5. Congure IP address
The WGS3 Layer 3 Switch is shipped with default IP address as following.
IP Address :
Subnet Mask :
To check the current IP address or modify a new IP address for the Switch, please
use the procedures as follow:
Show the current IP address
1. On “Routing>” prompt, enter “show network”.
2. The screen displays the current IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway. As show
in Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1 Show IP information screen
Congure IP address
3. On “Routing>” prompt, type “enable” to enter the Privileged Exec Mode.
4. A Password required message prompt. For the rst time login, press Enter button.
(With the default setting, the enable password is empty.)
5. On “Routing#” prompt, enter the following command and press <Enter>. As
show in Figure 5-2.
Routing # network parms
The previous command would apply the follow settings for the Switch.