PLANET PoE IP Phone User’s Manual
set the “Area Prefix Code” value to 0.
As for the “International Code”, when you want to dial an international call, the
, the
ecific VoIP system.
olume (0-9): select the volume of ringing.
Hot Line:
: enable/disable hot line function.
ss of the destination device.
n device.
: VAD is short for Voice Activity Detection, the IP Phone will detect if the user is
• gnal level of back ground noise. This parameter controls
International Code will be removed. E.g., suppose want to make a call to China
dialed number will be 002-86-2112341234, the IP Phone will remove the “Internationa
Code” 002, and send the real number of 86-2112341234.
This prefix code implementation is only needed for some sp
Normally, this is not needed; just let all the prefix values be empty.
• Ring V
• Handset Volume (0-9): select the telephone set v
• Handfree Volume (0-9): select the volume of handfree spea
• CodecTxGain(0-9): select the output voice volume.
Hot Line
Destination URL: please input the IP addre
Telephone Number: please input the telephone number of the destinatio
talking or not, and avoid to send voice packet when the user is silent to decrease the
bandwidth requirement.
BG Noise Level (0-9): si
the sensitivity of the VAD detection.
5. System Configuration
tion” on the left menu; you may set up the system related
can perform machine software upgrade, change username/password of the web
Please select the “System Configura
In this page, you
login, and reboot (restart) machine.