
PLANET VIP-150T Users Manual
4.3 [debug] command
This command is for engineers to debug system of VIP-150T. User can add debug flag
via command debug add debug flags, and then start debug function via command
debug open. When VIP-150T is working on screen will display related debug
messages. Most frequently used debug flag are sip, fsm, msg”…etc.
4.4 [reboot] command
After typing commit command, type reboot to restart the VIP-150T.
Sometimes after user type reboot, on terminal screen will display: "Data modified,
commit to flash rom? which means VIP-150T will record call history or not. (Ex.
REDIAL, outgoing and incoming call data)
4.5 [pbook] command
This command is functional both in Proxy mode and Peer-to-Peer mode. In proxy mode,
use speed dial or 10 DL button will dial out e.164 number in phone book. In the other
hand, in peer-to-peer mode, VIP-150T will dial out IP address.
1. -print: display phone book data. User can print all data in phone book by command
(pbook print). Furthermore, user can also print only a section of data by indicate
parameter start index and end index (pbook print start index end index).
If parameter end index is omitted, only record start index will be displayed.
(pbook print start prefix).
2. -add: add a new record in phone book table by giving name, IP address, and e.164
number of callee endpoint.
(pbook add name X ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx e164 X)
3. -search: search any record in the phone book according to IP address, name or
e164 number
4. -delete: delete a record of certain listed index in phone book table. (pbook delete