
PLANET VIP-101T CLI configuration
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Parameter plan is used to setup dialstring length. While the number (E.164 number in
phone book) you dialed is 7 digits, this parameter should be configured as 7 or 0.
Syntax Description
-plan dial string length ( number 1 ~ 24 to limit the dialed digits, 0 for unlimited, but
Max. dialed digits is 24. )
0 (not limited, Max. allowed dialed digits count is 24.)
c) callalive
VIP-101T is able to check if there are network activities during calling process.
Parameter callalive can enable or disable auto-disconnect operation after 10 seconds
not receiving packets from remote calling party
Syntax Description
-callalive Enable or disable auto-disconnection after 10 seconds not receiving
packets from remote party. 0 for disable and 1 for enable
d) keypad
Parameter keypad is used to setup DTMF transmission method. You may select DTMF
type in VIP-101T for DTMF receiving and transmitting activities.
Syntax Description
keypad 0/1/2/3 (0 for inband ,1 for H.245 alphanumeric, 2 for H.245 signal type, 3 for
Q.931 user info, 4 for RFC2833.)
1. If this parameter is set to 0, th
is will disable length checking in phone book (Max.
dialed digits is 24), and dialing string between 1-24 digits can be set.
2. By default settings, symbol # is used to send out the dial-
string. If you dont wish
to wait the dialed digit interval timeout, you may press #
key to send out numbers
to desired destinations.