Daylight Saving
Stop Time
Sets up the date and time of daylight saving stop time.
Daylight Saving
Sets up the date of daylight saving offset.
3.7.3 Maintenance
Hard Factory Default
(Include the network
Recall the device hard factory default settings. Note that click this
button will reset all device’s parameters to the factory settings
(including the IP address).
Factory Default (Except
the network setting)
The unit is restarted and most current settings are reset to factory
default values. This action will not reset the network setting.
Backup Setting To take a backup of all of the parameters, click this button. If
necessary, it will then be possible to return to the previous settings, if
settings are changed and there is unexpected behavior.
Restore Setting Click the “Browse” button to locate the saved backup file and then
click the “Restore Setting” button. The settings will be restored to the
previous configuration.
Firmware Upgrade The device supports new firmware upgrade.
1. Close all other application programs which are not necessary for
firmware update.
2. Make sure that only you access this device at this moment