- WEP Key: To enable WEP Encryption, you should decide
the encryption format first by selecting the ASCII or HEX,
and then input the WEP key.
ASCII input format:
ASCII format causes each character you type to be
interpreted as an eight-bit value. All unaccented upper- and
lower-case Western European characters that can be input
through your keyboard's typing zone are valid. To setup a
64-bit WEP key, input 5 ASCII characters. For example,
‘12345’. To setup an 128-bit WEP key, input 13 ASCII
characters. For example, ‘1234567890123’. These
character counts result in bit counts of 40 and 104
respectively; the camera will automatically pad your input to
a bit count of 64 or 128.
HEX input format:
Hex format causes each pair of characters you type to be
interpreted as an eight-bit value in hexadecimal (base 16)
notation. Only the digits 0 through 9 and the letters A
through F (in upper or lower case) are valid. To setup a 64-
bit WEP key, input 10 HEX format. For example,
‘3132333435’, which is the same with ASCII input ‘12345’.
To setup an 128-bit WEP key, input 26 HEX format. For
example, ‘31323334353637383930313233’, which is the
same with ASCII input ‘1234567890123’. These character
counts result in bit counts of 40 and 104, respectively; the
camera will automatically pad your input to a bit count of 64
or 128.
- Confirm WEP Key: Enter the same WEP Key to confirm.
DNS IP Address
The default HTTP Port is 80.