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Other Screens
Server Status
This screen shows server system data and the current settings for all of the other
screens. It is read-only; no data can be input on this screen.
Printer Ports
This screen displays the current status of each port. For each port, the following data
is listed:
• Connected Printer- the model name of the printer connected to the port, if the
printer name is known. (If the printer is not bi-directional, this information is un-
• Status - the current status of the printer (On-line, Off-line, Out of paper)
• Printing Information - this will show either Idle or Printing.
Logical Printers
Logical Printers (ports) can be used under Unix or NetWare. For each Logical Printer,
the following fields are available:
Logical Printer
Select the Logical Printer Port you wish to configure. (L1 to L3
or L1 to L8, depending on your model)
Click the Get Data button to update the display with the cur-
rent data for the selected logical printer.
Select the Printer Port which the Logical printer will use.
Pre-string The printer control string (in hex) to be sent to the printer be-
fore each print job. This string cannot exceed 15 characters.
Post String The printer control string (in hex) to be sent to the printer after
each print job. This string cannot exceed 15 characters.
Convert LF to
If checked, LF (line feed) characters are changed to CR+LF
(carriage return + line feed).