44 Planar PD7170 Installation/Operation Manual
Brightness: On your external test pattern source, select a PLUGE pattern. (PLUGE
is an acronym for “Picture Line-Up Generation Equipment.”)
Figure 4-3 shows a
typical PLUGE pattern.
Figure 4-3. Typical PLUGE Pattern for Adjusting Brightness
PLUGE patterns vary but generally consist of some combination of black, white
and gray areas against a black background. The example above includes two
vertical bars and four shaded boxes.
Select Brightness from the Main menu. Use the or buttons to adjust the level
so that:
• The darkest black bars disappear into the background.
• The dark gray areas are barely visible.
• The lighter gray areas are clearly visible.
• The white areas are a comfortable level of true white.
• The image contains only black, gray and white (no color).
Contrast: On your external test pattern source, select a stepped, gray-bar
pattern like the one shown in
Figure 4-4.
Figure 4-4. Typical Gray Bar Pattern for Adjusting Contrast
Select Contrast from the Main menu. Use the or buttons to adjust the
contrast up until the top two bars become almost the same brightness, then
down just until the brightness change between these bars is consistent with the
other bars.
Below Black
bove Black