Gripper & Experimenter’s Module
5. Experimenter’s Module
esides hosting the Gripper, the Experimenter’s Module brings several new
features to the Pioneer 1 Mobile Robot, and provides you with a platform for
adding your own robotics options and features (Figure 4-1):
Easy access to Pioneer digital I/O, A/D, and timer functions
Speaker with new PSOS “say” command
User-controlled LEDs and switches
8 RC-servo ports (RC0-7)
8 Analog-to-Digital Input Ports (AN0-7)
Range-finding IR connector
Figure 4-1. Experimenter’s Module.
5.1 I/O Ports
By cables connected to the Pioneer microcontroller, the Experimenter’s Module brings
both the Nose and General I/O expansion ports onto a single, open platform. All of ports
now appear as solderable connections alongside a components pad, complete with power
connections (Figure 4-1).
The I/O ports and their uses are summarized in Table 4-1. The Vcc ports supply logic
power, so use them for that purpose only. The Pioneer microcontroller has a single A/D
port that appears on both the General I/O connector and Nose I/O connector. This port is
multiplexed into eight A/D ports on the Experimenter’s platform. And special circuitry
on the Experimenter’s board lets you control up to eight separate RC servos.