
4. The Statistics for the selected LiveGateway Board are displayed in the Statistics
window. The information in this window is read-only.
To close the Statistics window, click the [X] in the upper right-hand corner.
Diagnostic Tests
Two types of diagnostic tests can be performed on LiveGateway -- a loopback test and a Power On Self Test
(POST). Use these tests to diagnose LiveGateway problems and determine where they reside. You can perform
and self tests to diagnose LiveGateway problems and determine where they reside.
Loopback Test
The Loopback test helps you to diagnose problems in the LiveGateway board. You need to perform this test
with a LiveLAN client.
LiveGateway does not function when calling ISDN Loopback numbers.
Therefore it is not a recommended tool for troubleshooting connectivity
The Loop Back Test simulates an inbound H.320 call to a LiveLAN client. This test loops back video and audio
at the H.320 subsystem within the LiveGateway board. All LiveLAN to H.320 transcoding paths are exercised.