Enhanced safety
The design of Afnium LED modules avoids contamination
of the freezer environment — the lamps cannot break
inside the freezer and expose your customers, employees,
or products to glass or mercury.
The 24V DC Class-II LED driver also provides safe
operation even when the wiring might be damaged.
Easy installation
Afnium LED modules are easy to install using our
specially designed mounting system. Whether new
equipment or retrot, the slim prole of the modules
enables easy installation for your varied refrigerated
display case applications.
Compliances and approvals
Afnium LED modules comply with all relevant
legislation including:
• CE
• Product safety, class III
• RoHS compliant
• EU directive 2002/95/EC
• UL
Measurable benets you can count on
A better experience for you and your customers
Implementing sustainable lighting solutions for your
business has never been easier, or more benecial for
you and your end user. With the Afnium LED lighting
system for refrigerated displays, shoppers benet from
an improved customer experience with bright and
inviting illumination that makes product identication and
selection easier than ever.
Our state-of-the-art Afnium LED lighting systems also
provide a measurable reduction in your cost of ownership.
By signicantly lessening energy and material waste, as
well as the cost associated with the frequent relamping
required with antiquated uorescent options, our Afnium
LED lighting systems offer a lucrative win-win opportunity.
The time to act is now
As energy costs grow larger, so does your cost of waiting.
To nd out the signicant impact that Afnium LED
lighting systems can have on your bottom line, contact
your Philips sales representative today.