Installation & User’s Manual PLCYC LED Luminaires
Note: To Exit the Settings screen, use the [ESC] key. [ESC] and [OK] can be used to cancel or save changes to an
individual parameter. However, once a parameter has been accepted, by pressing [OK] that change cannot be undone/
canceled by pressing the [ESC] key.
1 Power Limit
30W, 40W, 50W, 70W,
90W, 100W, 100W
Sets the maximum power setting of the
LED engine.
1 Power-Up
Off, Scratch Pad,
Warm White, Cool
White, Day Light,
Preset30, Preset31,
Last Set
Cool White
When the Fixture Powers-Up what does it
output. Scratch Pad is an automatically
saved Preset. Last Set is the last thing
coming out of the fixture, this could be
Warm White with the intensity changed
from that of the Preset.
3 Reset Hours No, Yes No Resets luminaire’s operational hours.
3 Protected No, 5 - 25 Yes
Determines if the factory Calibrated
Presets' Colour Mix is protected from
3 Load Factory No, Yes No
Reload Factory Calibrated Presets,
Intensity changes will also be reloaded.
3 DMX Enabled
No, Yes, or Wireless (if
Enables or disabled DMX communication
through the luminaires DMX512 ports.
Sets the DMX feature to Wireless DMX (if
wireless DMX option is installed - sold
1 Address 001 to 512 001
DMX512 address. Note, it can be set if
2 Map 8-bit, 16-bit, or 3-Chan 16-bit
Defines size/precision of DMX map.
Colour Mixing/Intensity in 16-bit provides
higher resolution for precision control. 3-
Chan provides minimal channel usage.
2 When no DMX
Off, Hold, Hold 8hr (8
hours), or Power-Up
If DMX is detected and then goes away,
this defines what will happen to the output.
At end of 8Hr hold Fixture goes to Power-
Up setting.
3 Normal / Quiet Normal or Quiet Quiet
Normal - Normal Mode Provides higher
cooling margin for thermally challenging
applications. Recommended for full power
(RGBW @ 100%) applications with large
and numerous changes in power. Quiet -
(Quiet Mode) Quite Mode is similar to
Normal mode, but it controls fan tightly to
reduce fan noise.
3 Max% 0 to 100% 100 Sets the maximum fan speed
3 Min% 0 to 100% 1 Sets the minimum fan speed
3 Flip Display No, Yes No Flips (inverts) Display and Keypad Arrows.