Browse by artwork
Artwork, or album art, is the video/ album
1 Tap to browse through the library by
The artwork is sorted by title in »
alphabetical order.
2 Drag the slider to scroll through the
The initial letter of current item is »
displayed on the screen.
8 Videos
Go to to play videos from the media library
on the player.
Browse the video library
In the video library, video files are organized by
metadata (file information). Browse the video
library by title or artwork.
Browse by title
With columns for video artwork, title and
total play time, the video library of MUSE
allows you to browse information about video
files quickly.
1 Tap to select the library view.
The video files are displayed by folder »
in alphabetical order.
For a video that you have never »
watched, the orange mark is displayed
on the top left of the artwork.
2 In a column, swipe your finger up/ down
to browse through the list of options.