MOVIE RATING—shows all the movie ratings
that you have chosen to block within the MOVIE
RATING control. NOTE: If a lower rating is
blocked, higher ratings will also be blocked auto-
matically. For example, if you block R-rated pro-
grams, those that are rated X will also be
TV RATING—shows all the TV ratings that you
have chosen to block within the TV RATING
control. NOTE: If a lower rating is blocked,
higher ratings will also be blocked automatically.
For example, if you block TV-PG-rated pro-
grams, those rated TV-14 and TV-MA will also
be blocked. The TV rating controls also have
subratings for Violence (V), Fantasy Violence
(FV), Sexual Situations (S), Coarse Language
(L), and Suggestive Language (D). If you turn off
a main rating but turn on a subrating of that main
rating control, programs having the subrating will
be blocked; however, the main rating will not
appear within the AutoLock review submenu
because you did not turn it ON.
BLOCK UNRATED—shows whether you have
turned this control ON or OFF.
BLOCK NO RATING—shows whether you
have turned this control ON or OFF.
Using the Onscreen Submenus: Features
The AutoLock™ review screen will appear
only if you have turned ON the BLOCK-
ING control (see page 47).
utoLock™ provides a screen that shows
the settings you have selected. Here’s
how to access the screen.
Press the STATUS/EXIT button on
the remote control twice. Your
AutoLock™ settings will appear on
the screen.
NOTE: If you have blocked specific
subratings, such as V for Violence in
the TV-PG category, these blocked
subratings will not appear in the
review. Nonetheless, the subratings are
still blocked according to your selec-
After a few seconds, the settings will
leave the screen automatically, or
you can press the STATUS/EXIT
button to exit the menu.