Philips Medical Systems
ECG Analysis System
Disarm (advanced mode) Once charged, the HeartStart FR2+ will disarm if:
in advanced mode ANALYZE
• the manual disarm button is pressed, OR
• a patient’s heart rhythm changes to non-shockable rhythm, OR
• a shock is not delivered within 30 seconds after the FR2+ is armed, OR
• the On/Off button is pressed to turn off the FR2+, OR
• the defibrillator pads are removed from the patient, OR
• the pads connector is disconnected from the FR2+.
in advanced mode CHARGE (M3860A only)
• the manual disarm button is pressed, OR
• a shock is not delivered within 30 s after charging, OR
• the On/Off button is pressed to turn off the FR2+, OR
• the defibrillator pads are removed from the patient, OR
• the pads connector is disconnected from the FR2+.
Shock Delivery Vector Via adult defibrillator pads placed in the anterior-anterior (Lead II) position or via
FR2 infant/child reduced-energy defibrillator pads placed in the anterior-posterior
category nominal specifications
category nominal specifications
Function Evaluates impedance of defibrillator pads for proper contact with patient skin, and
evaluates the ECG rhythm and signal quality to determine if a shock is appropriate.
Protocols Follows pre-programmed settings to match local EMS guidelines or medical
protocols. The settings can be modified using the setup options.
Shockable Rhythms Ventricular fibrillation (VF) and certain ventricular tachycardias, including
ventricular flutter and polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT). The HeartStart
FR2+ uses multiple parameters to determine if a rhythm is shockable.
NOTE: For safety reasons, some very low-amplitude or low-frequency rhythms
may not be interpreted as shockable VF rhythms. Also, some VT rhythms may not
be interpreted as shockable rhythms. CPR rates significantly above 100
compressions per minute can cause incorrect or delayed analysis by the
HeartStart FR2+.
Asystole On detection of asystole, provides CPR prompt at programmed interval.