Using the lamp
You can use the appliance as a bedside lamp.
1 Toswitchonthelamp,pressthelampon/offbutton(Fig.11).
2 Pressthelightintensity+and–buttonstoselectalightintensity(Fig.12).
You can choose a light intensity between 1 and 20.
Note: It takes approx. 1 second for the lamp to go on. This is normal, the lamp needs to heat up.
Note: The light intensity you have selected is automatically set as the light intensity level for the alarm as
Tip: When you use the appliance for the rst time, set the light intensity to 20. The moment you wake up,
check which light intensity level the appliance has reached by briey pressing the light intensity + or –
button. When you do this, the current alarm light intensity level appears on the display. Set the alarm light
intensity to this level for the next day.
3 To switch off the lamp, press the lamp on/off button again.
Setting the alarm
When you set the alarm, you choose an alarm time and the type of sound you want to wake up to.
The alarm is set when the alarm symbol is visible on the display. The light intensity slowly increases
to the selected level during the last 30 minutes before the set alarm time. The sound slowly
increases in 90 seconds to the selected level after the set alarm time.
Note: You can set the light intensity by pressing the light on/off button and then pressing the light intensity
+ or - button and you can set the alarm volume by pressing the volume increase or decrease button. If
you do not want to wake up to the lamp or to a sound, set the light intensity or volume level to OFF. See
sections ‘Using the lamp’ and ‘Radio/volume’ in this chapter.
1 Pushthecontrolleverdowntothemiddlepositiontoswitchonthealarm(Fig.13).
, Thehourindicationofthealarmtimeashes(Fig.14).
, To adjust the time, follow steps 2 to 5. If the alarm time is correct, just wait a few seconds.
2 Pressthemenu+or–buttonstoselectthehour(Fig.9).
Note: You can only do this when the hour indication ashes. If this is not the case, push the control lever
up and down again to enter the alarm time mode. You can also set the alarm time in the menu. See
section ‘Menu functions’ in this chapter.
3 PresstheSELECTbuttontoconrm(Fig.10).
, Theminuteindicationofthealarmtimestartstoash(Fig.15).
4 Pressthemenu+and–buttonstoselecttheminutes(Fig.9).
5 PresstheSELECTbuttontoconrmorwaitforafewseconds(Fig.10).
, The appliance leaves the menu and the display shows the clock time.
The alarm time is now set.
Switching off the alarm
To switch off the alarm function, push up the control lever to the top position.
Note: The lamp stays on to light your room. You can switch off the lamp by pressing the light on/off
Note: The alarm (sound and/or light) automatically switches off after 90 minutes.
Setting the alarm sound
See section ‘Menu functions’.
You can choose one of the following sounds:
- Radio (Fig. 16)
- Birds (Fig. 17)
- Beep (Fig. 18)
1 Pushdownthecontrollevertothebottompositionwhenthealarmgoesoff(Fig.19).
, The lamp continues to be on at the selected intensity level, but the alarm sound stops. After
9 minutes, the wake-up sound is automatically played again.
Note: The 9-minute snooze time is xed. This time cannot be adjusted.
Note: If you push down the control lever with too much force, it may jump back to off position.
Alarm demonstration
If you want to get a quick demonstration (60 seconds) of the gradually increasing light level and
sound level, activate the test function of the appliance.
1 Push the control lever down to the bottom position for a few seconds until TEST appears on
2 Push the control lever down again to stop the demonstration.
Note: The appliance continues to run the alarm demonstration until you push down the control lever
again. The test automatically stops after 9 hours.
1 Toswitchontheradio,presstheradioon/offbutton(Fig.21).
2 Toselectthedesiredradiofrequency,pressthemenu+and–button(Fig.9).
Tip: To scan radio frequencies automatically, press and hold the menu + or – button for approx. 2
Tip: To make sure you get a good radio signal, fully unwind the antenna and move it around until you
have found a position at which reception is best.
3 To switch off the radio, press the radio on/off button again.
1 Tosetthevolume,pressthevolumeincreaseordecreasebutton(Fig.22).
You can choose a volume level between 1 and 20.
Note: The volume level you have selected is automatically set as the volume level for the alarm as well.
Setting the display brightness
1 PresstheMENUbuttontoenterthemenu(Fig.8).
2 Pressthemenu+or–buttontoselectthedisplaybrightnessmenu(Fig.9).
3 PresstheSELECTbuttontoenterthedisplaybrightnessmenu(Fig.10).
4 Pressthemenu+and–buttontochangethedisplaybrightness(Fig.9).
5 PressSELECTtoconrm(Fig.10).