Menu structure
Call Forward
Call Fwd Busy
Call Fwd UnAns
Voice Mail
Call Back
Withhold ID
network depen-
dent features
Activate / Deactivate /
Activate / Deactivate
Contextual soft key labels
Depending on context the following soft key labels
may appear above the Left and Right soft keys :
Soft key label Function
MENU Initiate a menu function.
SELECT Choose the current selection.
OK Confirm the current settings / entry or function.
BACK Go back to the previous screen.
PHBK Access Phonebook list.
MUTE Mute the handset microphone.
UNMUTE Unmute the handset microphone.
SILENT Stop the incoming ring tone.
CLEAR Clear the current character and shift the cursor
to the left.
SAVE Save in phonebook.
STOP Switch off the alarm.
VIEW View the details of an entry.
ALL To call all handsets via intercom.
CONF Start a conference call.
DECT623_627_GBIE_part1.qxd 14.07.2005 16:05 Seite 9