he DTV Setup Menu control
(see page 30) autoprograms all
available signal ATSC digital
channels into the DPTV’s scan
memory. Use the Add/Delete
Channel control to eliminate or
add to the specific list of “major”
channels contained within the
DPTV’s scan memory.
Note: Refer to page 5 in the
64PP9901 Quick Use guide for
additional information on “major
and sub-channel” digital channel
selections and how they are used
within the ATSC broadcast system.
Select the ATSC Features
With the DTV Main Menu on-
screen, move the highlight with the
MENU (M) ▲▼ buttons. Then
press the MENU button.
Press the Menu (M) ▲▼
buttons to select the Add/Delete
Channel control. Then press the
MENU button.
Press the CHANNEL (+)/(-)
(or number buttons on the Pronto’s
2/4 touchscreen display ) to select
the channel you want to add or
Press the MENU(M)
▲▼ buttons to select “Add this
Major Channel” control option,
and then press the Menu button to
add the specific digital channel
into the DPTV's scan memory.
Press the MENU (M) ▲▼ buttons
to select “Delete this Major
Channel” and press the Menu
button to drop the digital channel
from the DPTV’s scan memory.
Repeat steps 2, 3 and 4 for each
channel you wish to add or delete.
Press the “exit” button to clear
the screen when complete.