
RGB Signals :
These are 3 Red,Green and Blue video signals which directly drive the red, green and blue
emitters in the cathode ray tube.
Using these signals provides better picture quality.
NICAM sound :
Process by which digital sound can be transmitted.
System :
Television pictures are not broadcast in the same way in all countries.There are different standards:
BG, DK,I,and L L’.The SYSTEM setting (p.6) is used to select these different standards.This is not to
be confused with PAL or SECAM colour coding.Pal is used in most countries in Europe, Secam in
France, Russia and most African countries.The United States and Japan use a different system called
Safety Information:Electric, Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields (“EMF”)
1. Philips Royal Electronics manufactures and sells many products targeted at consumers, which,like
any electronic apparatus,in general have the ability to emit and receive electro magnetic signals.
2. One of Philips’ leading Business Principles is to take all necessary health and safety measures for
our products,to comply with all applicable legal requirements and to stay well within the EMF
standards applicable at the time of producing the products.
3. Philips is committed to develop,produce and market products that cause no adverse health effects.
4. Philips confirms that if its products are handled properly for their intended use, they are safe to use
according to scientific evidence available today.
5. Philips plays an active role in the development of international EMF and safety standards, enabling
Philips to anticipate further developments in standardization for early integration in its products.