
C4659M (4/10) 13
1. Click the Select Stream button.
2. Select one of the following stream options from the Select Stream page:
Primary Stream: To select this stream, click the button next to Primary Stream.
Secondary Stream: To select this stream, click the button next to Secondary Stream.
QuickView Stream: To select this stream, click the button next to QuickView Stream.
Event Stream: To select this stream, click the button next to Event Stream.
NOTE: If the secondary stream has not been configured, only Primary Stream, Event Stream, and QuickView Stream are available.
3. Select one of the following options to adjust the stream settings:
H.264 compression: Select the video transmission type from the Transmission drop-down menu. Available settings include Unicast and
JPEG compression: Select the image rate for the stream from the Image Rate drop-down menu. The available settings for the primary
and secondary streams depend on the Image Rate setting. The QuickView Stream has only two image rate settings: 2 ips and 1 ips.
4. Click the View button to save the stream settings.
Refer to the following sections for more information:
Primary Stream and Secondary Stream on page 13
Event Stream on page 13
Unicast on page 13
Multicast on page 14
Compression Standards on page 25
Image Rate on page 26
The Primary Stream and Secondary Stream are video streams that include compression, resolution, image rate, and bit rate settings. The streams
can be set up using a video preset setting, or they can be customized using the video configuration settings.
A video preset is a pre-defined video configuration that offers a good balance between video performance and bandwidth usage. For easy stream
configuration, use the Video Preset page located in the drop-down menu of the A/V Streams Tab.
To customize the Primary Stream or Secondary Stream use the Video Configuration page located in the drop-down menu of the A/V Streams Tab.
Configurable settings include the stream name, compression standard, resolution setting, image rate, and bit rate. The default names for the
streams are Primary Stream and Secondary Stream; however, if these stream names have been changed, the new names will replace the default
names (Primary Stream and Secondary Stream) on the Select Stream page.
The Event Stream displays a list of alerts triggered by a running behavior (analytic). The alert includes a screen capture, the profile that was
triggered, and the zone where the alert was detected. For the Event Stream to work you must have a behavior profile running. To set up and run
behaviors, use the Analytic Configuration page located in the drop-down menu of the Events Tab.
A unicast transmission sends a separate video stream to each user that is requesting data. Although multiple users might request the same data
from the encoder at the same time, duplicate video streams are transmitted to each user. Every unicast user that connects to the encoder
consumes additional processing power, which limits the number of simultaneous users who can access the camera.
The encoder supports a minimum of 2 unicast streams for each camera input. Additional unicast streams are possible, but these may result in
dropped packets when several 4-channel encoders are connected together in a daisy-chained network.