2.3 System Data Control
Feature Guide 297
2.3 System Data Control
2.3.1 PC Programming
This PBX can be programmed and administered using a personal computer (PC). There are
two programming methods:
1) On-site Programming: System programming/diagnosis can be performed locally by
connecting a PC to the PBX directly.
2) Remote Programming: System programming/diagnosis and data upload can be
performed from a remote location.
1. On-site Programming:
Method Description
Using the Serial
Interface (RS-232C)
The PBX has a Serial Interface (RS-232C) port which can be
used for either system administration or SMDR ( 1.25.1
Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)).
Using the USB port The PC is connected to the USB port on the PBX, or a USB
port (USB Module) attached to a DPT.
Using the LAN
interface (KX-
A CTI-LINK card must be installed.
Using a modem
through an SLT port*
An RMT card must be installed. Assign the floating extension
number of the analogue remote maintenance ( Modem
Floating Extension Number [811]), and dial this number from
the PC to connect to the PBX.
Using an ISDN TA
interface (64 kbps)
through an ISDN
Extension Line*
Assign the floating extension number of the ISDN remote
maintenance ( ISDN Remote Floating Extension Number
[812]), and dial this number from the PC to connect to the
PBX. The RMT card is not required for this method.
This method is available only when a user-supplied ISDN TA
that supports CAPI is used.
*: If remote access is disabled through system programming ( Remote
Programming [810]), then this on site programming cannot be done.