Generalmusic PRO 1/PRO 2 Page 36
Play and record
The recorder or “sequencer” section in the PRO 2 allows you to record a two-track Song of about 45,000
events, (around 20,000 notes). You can record one track at a time. In playback, you can play along with up to
two Sounds in real time, you can deactivate a recorded track and play along with just one recorded track.
Play/Stop Starts and stops either playback or recording.
Pause Stops a playback or recording midway. Pressing this button a second time will
continue playback from where it was stopped.
Rewind “Rewinds” the sequence one bar at a time. You can rewind faster if you hold the
button down.
FF,(Forward) Advances the sequence one bar at a time. You can scroll forward much faster if you
hold the button down.
Record Activates Record mode. Recording actually starts when you press the Play or Pause
Track 1/2 Buttons that activate the sequencer tracks for recording or playback. The status of
each track is indicated by the state of the LED.
• LED off - track is empty or switched off.
• LED on - track contains data and is ready for playback.
• LED flashing - track is ready to record or to be overdubbed.
Metronome Activates/deactivates the Metronome, (click) and also lets you adjust the record/
playback tempo.
Time Sig. Offers a selection of Time Signatures and activates the metronome bell. This button
is tied to the Metronome function and will only work if the Metronome function is
Erase Cancels the events recorded in the sequencer tracks. While pressing this button,
press the button for the track you wish to erase. The LED of the erased track goes off
to indicate that the track is now empty.