
Thank you for purchasing the powered version of the Pro-Lite Series PR
15. The PR 15P features a bi-amped power
section that provides 200 Watts peak dynamic power for the woofer and 70 Watts peak dynamic power for the
compression driver tweeter, both with Peavey-exclusive DDT
compression. Offering a 15" heavy duty woofer and the
14 compression driver, the PR 15P provides an XLR and 1/4"phone combo jack, with mic/line switchable level,
balanced input with volume control and a pair of 1/4" phone jack inputs with concentric volume controls. Up to three line
level input signals can be mixed together, or one mic-level, and two line-level signals mixed.
It is very important that you ensure the PR 15P has the proper AC line voltage supplied. You can find the proper voltage
for your PR 15P printed next to the IEC line (power) cord on the rear panel of the unit. Please read this guide carefully to
ensure your personal safety as well as the safety of your equipment.
·· BBii--aammpplliiffiieedd ppoowweerreedd ssyysstteemm wwiitthh 227700 WW ttoottaall ppeeaakk ddyynnaammiicc ppoowweerr!!
·· BBootthh ppoowweerr aammppss hhaavvee DDDDTT ccoommpprreessssiioonn
·· 1155"" hheeaavvyy dduuttyy wwooooffeerr wwiitthh 22--33//88"" vvooiiccee ccooiill aanndd 5500 oozz.. mmaaggnneett
·· RRXX 1144 11..44"" ttiittaanniiuumm ccoommpprreessssiioonn ddrriivveerr
·· PPeeaakk SSPPLL uupp ttoo 112200 ddBB wwiitthh mmuussiicc
·· CCoommbboo jjaacckk wwiitthh 11//44"" TTRRSS aanndd ffeemmaallee XXLLRR mmiicc-- oorr lliinnee--lleevveell bbaallaanncceedd iinnppuutt
·· TTwwoo 11//44"" pphhoonnee jjaacckk iinnppuuttss wwiitthh ccoonncceennttrriicc lleevveell ccoonnttrroollss
·· IInnppuutt mmiixxiinngg bbuuiilltt--iinn
·· MMoollddeedd--iinn hhoorrnn wwiitthh eexxcceeppttiioonnaallllyy ssmmooootthh rreessppoonnssee aanndd ppaatttteerrnn ccoonnttrrooll
·· TToopp aanndd ssiiddeess hhaannddggrriippss
·· PPoollee mmoouunntt mmoollddeedd--iinn
·· TToopp aanndd bboottttoomm ffllyyiinngg ppooiinntt iinnsseerrttss
The Peavey PR 15P is a powered, bi-amplified, two-way speaker system engineered to provide very high levels of
performance in a compact powered loudspeaker. Capable of up to 120 dB peak SPL, this system can pump out a lot of
sound. The enclosure utilizes tough polypropylene in an injection-molded plastic trapezoidal form, with a coated steel
grille to offer an attractive yet-durable powered speaker system.
This two-way powered system is comprised of a 200 W dynamic peak power amplifier driving a 15" heavy duty woofer.
The RX
14 compression driver is driven by a 70 W peak dynamic power amplifier and features a 1.4" titanium diaphragm
coupled to an extremely smooth and well-controlled constant directivity horn (with a coverage pattern of 90˚ by 40˚) that
is molded integrally into the enclosure.
A balanced input to the preamp/EQ electronics consists of one combo female XLR and 1/4" TRS phone jack. It is
switchable between mic-level and line-level sensitivity. Two 1/4" phone jack inputs are controlled in level by a concentric
pair of level controls. All three inputs can be mixed in any ratio.
The power amplifiers providing the bi-amplification are low-distortion units providing 150 W continuous RMS into the
nominal 8 Ohm load of the woofer, and a 50 W continuous RMS into the nominal 8 Ohm load of the tweeter. They were
selected for their reliability and superb musical performance capability. Both amplifiers feature our patented DDT
compression, which virtually eliminates audible power amplifier clipping.
A molded-in handle provides ease of transport, while multiple mounting points (top and bottom) for the Peavey
allow maximum utility.