There are eight INPUT PORTS for PLUG-IN MODULES. Select the appropriate modules for each
application. Plug the modules into the INPUT PORTS. Slide them between the card-edge guide
rails and secure them with the provided screws as shown in
FFiigguurree 33
. Ensure screws are
sufficiently tightened for proper grounding. For connection details, refer to the individual PLUG-
IN MODULE Instruction Guide.
CAUTION: Plug-in Modules should not be inserted or removed while the mixer/amplifier is turned
on. Cover unoccupied INPUT PORTS with provided blank panels and secure with screws.
IInnppuutt CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss
MMMMAA8811550022 ((112200VV))
Figure 3
Figure 4
The loudspeaker outputs of the mixer/amplifier are 4 Ohms, 8 Ohms, 25V and 70V.
CCoonnnneecctt tthhee
lloouuddssppeeaakkeerr ssyysstteemm ttoo aannyy OONNEE ooff tthheessee oouuttppuuttss..
Class 2 wiring may be used.
There are two types of output: 4 Ohm Direct Output;
8 Ohm, 25V, and 70V via Output Transformer
The method of connection differs in each case. Refer to
FFiigguurree 44
. If using the transformer
isolated outputs be sure that the Low Cut switch is ON.
Note: Impedance values shown in Figure 4 indicate total loudspeaker system (load) impedance.
LLoouuddssppeeaakkeerr OOuuttppuutt CCoonnnneeccttiioonnss