Stereo Operation
For stereo (dual channel) operation, turn the amplifier OFF and set the mode select switches on the back panel to the
out (extended) position. In this mode, both channels operate independently of each other, with their input attenuators
controlling their respective levels. Thus, a signal at channel A’s input produces an amplified signal at channel A’s
output, while a signal at channel B’s input produces an amplified signal at channel B’s output.
Bridged Mono Operation
Both amplifier channels can be bridged together to make a very powerful single-channel monaural amplifier. Use
extreme caution when operating in the bridged mode; potentially lethal voltage may be present at the output
terminals. To bridge the amplifier, depress the rear panel Bridge switch to the IN position. Direct the signal to channel
A’s input and connect the speakers across the hot outputs (the “+” binding posts) of channels A and B. Only channel
A’s input attenuator is active while in Bridge Mono mode.
Unlike the stereo mode, in which one side of each output is at ground, both sides are hot in bridged mode. Channel A’s
side is the same polarity as its input with the minimum nominal load impedance being 4 ohms (equivalent to driving
both channels at 2 ohms) in bridged mode. Driving bridged loads of less than 4 ohms will activate the DDT
(see Indicators section), resulting in a loss of power, and may also cause a thermal (overheating) overload.
Operation Modes