Security Triggers 126
Model 3086FR ATM IAD User Guide 10 • Security
To allow pings between the two PCs:
1. From the Configuration Menu, > Configuration > Security > Firewall Policy Configuration > Port Filters >
Add Raw IP Filter
2. Enter 1 (for ICMP) in Transport Type.
3. Both Inbound and Outbound should be allowed.
4. Click on Apply.
You can now ping between the two networks
Security Triggers
Security triggers are used to allow an application to open a secondary port in order to transport data. The most
common example is FTP. This procedure is to set up a trigger on the Firewall to have an FTP session from PC
A to PC B, but not the reverse.
1. First, create an outbound-only portfilter for FTP and add it to the item0 policy.
2. Following the path given in step 1 for the ping portfilter, click on Add TCP Filter.
3. The Port Range is entered as 21 for both Start and End.
4. Set Inbound as Block, but Outbound as Allow.
5. Click on Apply.
Transport Type Abbreviation