
Live Video Quality
Depending on the traffic of the network, there might be diffi-
culties in displaying images.
To improve this matter, changing the parameter of "Live
Video Quality" becomes possible.
Operating Instructions (book)
Correct the description on page 133 as follows.
Updated description about "Live Video Quality"
Select "FQB" or "NQB" for "Live Video Quality".
FQB: High quality (default)
NQB (QVGA): Low quality (Suitable when there are difficul-
ties in displaying images depending on the traffic of the
Note: When "NQB" is selected, image display area size in
the browser window will become smaller.
Network Setup Instructions (PDF)
Correct the illustration/description on pages 92 and 93 as
<Page 92>
Updated image of the "Network Setup 1" menu
<Page 93>
Updated description about "Live Video Quality"
Select "FQB" or "NQB (QVGA)" for "Live Video Quality".
FQB: High quality (default)
NQB (QVGA): Low quality (Suitable when there are difficul-
ties in displaying images depending on the traffic of the
Note: When "NQB (QVGA)" is selected, image display area
size in the browser window will become smaller.
Updated troubleshooting information relating to "Live
Video Quality"
Add the following to "Cause/solution" for the symptom "The
image is not being refreshed.".
When the bandwidth of the network is not broad enough,
select "NQB (QVGA)" for "Live Video Quality" and select
appropriate rate for "NW BANDWIDTH CONTROL" accord-
ing to the current bandwidth.
Refer to pages 70 and 93 for further information.